Thursday, April 10, 2008

Holy Moly !! I was in a computer crisis the last 4 days!! I used my computer on Sunday morning and then Sunday evening it was all wonky and wouldn't let me do anything. I tried again on Monday and it was worse. I tried calling a computer intelligent friend and didn't get an answer. Talked to several people at work and one of our IT guys said he didn't think it was a virus. I was only a little relieved because we were still unsure.

So, my dilemma was do I call Dell and be on the phone for hours only to talk to someone I don't understand, and feeling like the problem would never be resolved or take it into Milwaukee PC and get it over with. I went to Milwaukee PC and it was great that I did. He knew what was wrong in about 20 minutes and fixed it and we picked it up the next morning!! So, I worried about a virus and it was just a video card!! Yea !! I really didn't want to have to buy a new computer this month - and I certainly can't life without one !! LOL !!

I'll be back this weekend with some creation that I'll be working on !!
Have a great weekend everyone !


Heather McNally and Melissa MacDonald said...

I LOVE your smileys! And I'm so glad you didn't have to buy a new 'puter! :)

Unknown said...

Phew - lovin' your animated smileys. (But not as much as I love you)

Bevie Pearl said...

Glad that you got your computer fixed and it is up and running!

Heather McNally and Melissa MacDonald said...

Just wanted to give you some extra love! :)

Shabbychick Junk said...

Glad your computer is feeling better! Hope you're doing well, sweet friend! :)


Bev Gerard said...

Oh my goodness, Stevie!!
So glad this is resolved!
I'd be fried without internet access!! eeeeek!


Michelle Wooderson said...

Hi Stevie, I always enjoy your comments so much on my blog. So you think we need a book,eh? Love ya, sweet thing!